April 6, 2011

I've Said More Than I've Wanted To Say

That Jon Foreman.  

Why must he be such a baller, lik, all the time??  



I can't hate on Jon Foreman....  My brosef got me two of his solo CDs and I'm totally hooked.  The post title comes from "Southbound Train" which is a ballin song.  It's legit.  

So I'm basically posting, not because I have anything to say, but because P Meggy the Melodious and I are really horrible about posting nowadays.  

We all know the equation for Not Posting.  

Business+Laziness=Not Posting

So, while I maybe have your attention, here's to poetry, CatCooper style.  

Sham I Am

“It hurts.  That’s very true.”
Is all that I will say to you
When you ask about feelings, far too persistent
And offer to just sit a while and listen

“I’ve before.  Yeah, it happened.” 
Is what I’ll say as anxiety runs rampant
I won’t include how it felt to be used
To be hurt, but never bruised

“It’s true enough.  I don’t trust well.”
But it will feel like too much to tell
Because you’re inquiring out of polite obligation
Which makes me feel something beyond irritation

“Why me?  What’s now so different?”
Is how I’ll respond to your sentiment
I’ll refuse to believe, say it’s not real
And ignore that I feel all I’d wanted to feel

“I feel things that I've not felt in the past.”
I’ll tell you as we pretend this will last
Because we’re young and foolish
And love makes us become idealists

“Of course that’s fine.  I understand.”
I’ll say when you let go of my hand
Because, once again, I’ve not risen to the bar
And I’ll collapse as I watch your retreating car

“Love doesn't work at this point in life.”
I’ll say to myself as I pretend that statement will suffice
Subconsciously, I’m just waiting for someone else
Someone to temporarily make me forget what I’ve felt

“It hurts.  That’s very true.” 
I’ll whisper as I pretend he’s you
I’ll continue with this cycle, this sham
And pretend it’s just the way I am

A Hasty Goodbye from CatCooper

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