August 4, 2011


I am a fan of Ivoryline.
That one line is really nice.
I like it.
Well, I finished my summer reading essays! Which reminds me..that since tomorrow is the plot bunnies' birthday I should probably work on those challenges I am trying to make up.
I've already written one of them, believe it or not. :D
The other day, I was discussing the plotbunnies' birthday with Cat. It went something like this...
PM (ME): Friday is the Escape of the Evil Plot Bunnies first anniversary!
CC (CAT): We should make CAKE or something.
PM: Yes! We should! Oh, no, wait, we can't make cake.
CC: Why not?
PM: They'll throw it at us.
CC: Who will?
PM: The plot bunnies.
CC: ....oh.

So yeah, no cake for the plot bunnies. They like to throw cake.

Well, since my brain has exploded a couple of times today, (I saw Captain America, did two essays, and realized that it is my last day of freedom) I'm going to give you yet ANOTHER poem I wrote for a project, I'm sure you remember my last one: The Moon.
So here's another poem, fully written by P. Meggy and Cat Cooper approved.

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