March 21, 2011

J.A.S.A (JustAnotherSincereApology)

My dear readers,

"There's been some confusion over rooming here at Shiz...."

Oohh, wait.  Wrong letter.


P Meggy and I feel entirely terrible about abandoning you all for such an extended period of time.  

A month exactly.  Without me.  

One question....

How did you live without me??

I say that with facetiousness and curiosity.

The important part is not that we left you.  

The important part of this J.A.S.A. is....


Both of us have been getting some (not much) work done and needed a niblet of a break.  The only way we would be guaranteed to post consistently would be if we were paid.  (HINTHINT)

As you see, my random font thing is gone.  I received complaints from several of our readers and more than one cataract patient that my random font changes gave them headaches and possibly gout.  

So I will try less random font changes.  

I certainly am glad to be back.  Ecstatic really.  Now I can share my sappy poetry with an audience.  And my opinions on House.  

What the heck is he thinking?!?!?  He jumped of a friggin' building!!!! In front of poor Wilson, no less!!  He needs to get off vicodin and his stupid high horse and beg for Cuddy to take him back!!

Also, it should be noted that I would enjoy some adorable Chase moments.  Anything really.  Like when House, Foreman, and Chase sang Karaoke.  That was grand.  Splendid, in fact.  They harmonized.  And we all know I'm a sucker for that.

Sigh.  Ranting is nice. I missed this color.   

Good day my fine readers.  

Best Wishes,

P.S. First challenge given on Friday. 

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