September 13, 2011

Tuesday Twenty!! (Another one?!?)

1. Yeah, it's a sad day because I never post on time.
2. But this time, it's not only me, Cat didn't, either. :)
3. I guess I'm not supposed to be pleased with myself over that...
4. .......but I finally beat the school rules that kept me from blogging at school.
5. Which may not be a good thing either.
6. I can still blog, you see, I just can't READ it...
7. It means I may do more things on time, you know. :P
8. I'm making NO PROMISES.
9. Because I have too many things in my head.
10. (That's what I have decided, there's too many things in my head for me to actually do they float around and entertain me when I'm bored)
11. For instance, I was listening to Adele the other day, and I thought "Hmmm...I bet I could do a very dramatic, very epic, songfic for 'Set Fire to the Rain.'"
12. I did, actually, think of a very good one. I just have yet to write it down...(I guess that may be due to another of my strange organization habits)
13. The same thing happened to me this morning, while listening to Cartel. "If I Fail" and "Perfect Mistake"
14. I should add that to my list of things to write down sometime...
15. You should get excited for the posting of SHIFT
16. Did you enjoy the sneakity peekity?
17. I'm glad. I did, too. (Well, I wrote it :P)
18. I am also preoccupied by Chemistry homework (as I am no longer at school..) and the thought of learning cardistry....
19. It's great stuff. Not necessarily card TRICKS, you know, just flourishes. Fun things you can do. It involves a lot of flicking cards around and making it look cool. (YouTube it)
20. Yeah, it's kind of Rossicistic
~P. Megz OUT!!!

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