so yeah i'm really crazy late....DEAL!!
okay thats settled. so my internet stopped working on friday and didnt start working again until late saturday. i only had time to post my story. on sunday....shoot i was just lazy. so that's my weekend.
here is the new challenge. it must be entered by my blogmate P Meggy by midnight this friday. any readers can post any time they like by emailing us at keep it clean and make it awsom.
the week three challenge is to incorporate the following sentence into a story. "I can't live like this, second guessing myself every step of the way." any length, any pov, and verb tense. go!! andale!!
And in case i dont see you, good morning, good afternoon, and good evening. CatCooper<3
hello, its me again the ever present friendly neighborhood italian, so this challenge thing sounds fun...and no that does not make me sadistic..................................................anyway..........i know this is late but i really did like your story.....i made me mad though....which i guess was the point