October 5, 2010


"Consequences" by Sarah! (The Italian)

Jamie knew why she was sitting where she was. She knew what was about to happen, she knew the consequences for what she she had done. Thinking back to that night it seemed so clear, so vivid, like it was only yesterday. 
     The night was cold and crisp, there was a slight breeze, but no moon to illuminate the darkness. Jamie was walking back from picking up her brother, Kyle, at their cousin's house. Kyle was snapping his fingers, it helped him when he got nervous. And he was nervous now, the sounds all around, the swooshing of the trees, the pace of their steps, and the moving of the wind only added to his fears.But holding his sisters hand helped, all the kids at his school would pull over in their cars and laugh at him for holding her hand on their walk home from school. But Kyle didn't care, as long as Jamie held his hand and he could snap, he was satisfied. 
      When they arrived home, Jamie informed her little brother that their parents were sick.
     "do we need to call 911?" he asked.
     Jamie laughed slightly "No sweetie, 911 can't help them. But you can see them tomorrow."
     Accepting this without hesitation, Kyle turned to walk upstairs.
     "Oh, I have a friend coming over coming over so don't worry when you hear the doorbell ring."
     Kyle kissed his sister goodnight and walked to bed. He heard the doorbell ring a few minutes later. Late that night, as dreams enveloped Kyle's mind, he heard two screams, then all was silent. Snapping, he soon fell back to sleep. 
     Jamie was pulled back into the present by the click of a door. 
     "You have to make a statement" said the lawyer 
     "When did this happen?"
     "Ten years, and 167 days ago, exactly"
     "What did you do?" he asked
     "I killed them." she said with no pause.
     "Who did you kill?" he pressed.
     "My mother, my father, and my best friend." she said with a wide smile that spread across her face.
     The lawyer turned and walked out, and they stabbed the needle into her arm.


  1. This is so creepy.... in a very good way.

  2. i greatly enjoyed the creepiness and general air of death this story has. bravo FNI, bravo. CatCooper<3
