January 16, 2011

And all the best lies, they are told with fingers tied. So cross them tight...

1. 10.68934567 awsom points if you saw the title and immediately knew what song I referenced.
2. I can give away cool points too :P
3. Yeah, what now?
4. So this is another Sunday Seventeen. (Because I forgot. Again)
5. I already know all the words to the song I'm supposed to write for.
6. That's dedication, right there.
7. I loved, loved, loved Cat's story. :D I thought it was awsom.
8. I now officially own thick-rimmed glasses. :P
9. You know what? I forgot what I was going to originally say.
10. three thousand-eleven more pages to go!
11. And then I plan on reading The Man in the Iron Mask. (written by the same person. I didn't know that. Learn something new everyday)
12. BLAH.
13. I also have a bright, colorful (and, most of all, trendy) scarf. :)
15. I was all like "WOO this is the last one!" and then I remembered it's Sunday Seventeen. And this number is only 15.
16. Did I purposely leave #14 blank? No...
17. (it says ninja. duh.)
~P. Megz OUT!!!

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